Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?

Taal: nld
Categorie: Documentaire

Cats v Dogs: Which is Best? Chris Packham and Liz Bonnin battle it out to find the definitive answer to the burning question - which are best, cats or dogs? Based at one of Britain's largest cat and dog veterinary centres, Chris and Liz test different aspects of each animal. Round two looks at communication. Chris knows that humans can understand most dog barks, but how well do cat owners understand cat meows? In round three, Liz runs her version of the 'stress factor' where, along with a team of researchers, she finds out which is better at reducing stress, a cat or a dog? Round four is about independence. Liz meets Bob, a cheeky roving cat with several owners. Closer to home, Chris is dismayed to see his own poodles display signs of anxiety when he leaves the house. The final round looks at the big question: do our cats and dogs really love us?

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BBC 2 HD 21-08-2016 20:00 - 21:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 21-08-2016 20:00 - 21:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 HD 28-08-2016 20:00 - 21:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 28-08-2016 20:00 - 21:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 10-03-2018 13:00 - 14:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 17-03-2018 12:35 - 13:35 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 HD 03-08-2019 10:50 - 11:50 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 HD 10-08-2019 11:00 - 12:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 HD 17-10-2020 11:00 - 12:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?
BBC 2 HD 24-10-2020 10:00 - 11:00 Cats v Dogs: Which is Best?